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Parish Outreach
Mission: to unite, support, empower, and educate the women of the parish through spirituality, leadership, and service by providing women the opportunity to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ through the preparation of the altar and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Ministries & Clubs
Divine Mercy Devotion: a Divine Mercy statue of our Lord is available to parishioners who wish to pray the Divine Mercy Devotion for loved ones. Rosary and instructions are included.
Altar Linens: washing and ironing altar linens each week.
Flowers for Blessed Mary: sign-up sheet in the narthex for people to provide flowers for our Blessed Mother statue on altar.
Bulletin Board: We have a bulletin board in the parish hall providing information on upcoming events and pictures of our activities.
Mary & Martha Group: Mary & Martha Group page
- Easter Baskets Sale: Baskets, donated by members of the parish are sold on Palm Sunday weekend Masses. The baskets can be for children or adults of any age. Here, again, if you choose not to make up a basket, a monetary donation is accepted.
Women’s Book Club
Mother’s Book Club
Communion to the Homebound
Cancer Home of St Paul: This 68 year old home is being run by the Franciscan Order. We provide items they can use to help in their care of cancer patients, or make a monetary donation. The Cancer Home receives funding solely through donations.
Pro Life across America: We donate funds used in the expense of the many billboards you see along the highways expressing the sanctity of life from birth to death.
Chisago Life Care Center: We host a baby shower for young women keeping their babies instead of choosing an abortion.